00:45 AM

National Hemp Association

America’s next natural resource


National Hemp Association is excited to be showcasing the many ways Hemp is truly America’s next natural resource at our Ag on the Mall display.

We are featuring the ‘Hemp House on Wheels’. In addition to the carbon savings implicit in the material itself, energy costs are reduced during the use phase. The monolithic structure of hempcrete creates a large thermal mass with minimal thermal bridging, resulting in low thermal conductivity, high thermal capacity and high insulation values. This improves energy efficiency dramatically, which in turn further reduces carbon emissions and helps homeowners cut down on utility bills.


We also will have a car on display that utilizes hemp in many of its components. The benefits of Hemp-based bio composites go far beyond cars. Trains, planes, buses—even spacecraft and satellites—can be improved by the integration of hemp-based bio composites.

By 2025, the plant protein market is expected to top $40.6 billion due to increasing demand for great-tasting, allergen and gluten-free alternatives to animal-based foods. From baby greens, to seeds, to protein, seed milk and more, hemp with its exceptional nutritional profile is the heir apparent to the plant-based food throne.


Hemp is a hyperaccumulator and exceptional phytoremediator. Because of its deep root system that also prevents erosion, hemp is a perfect candidate for remediation of contaminated land. Hemp could be used to safely restore these areas into useful, productive land.

In this new decade of disruption, American agriculture will face its biggest challenges yet. Hemp with its multiple revenue streams from one crop can help overcome those challenges and simultaneously create an industry that benefits our environment, our people, and our economy.

Hemp is now rightfully seen as one of the most promising sustainable commodity crops; it not only consumes more CO2 than any other crop, it is used in a multitude of products including lightweight auto components, bio-plastics, housing and commercial buildings, fuel cells for electric vehicles, paper, textiles, food, cosmetics and nutraceuticals. As the world turns to using more plant-based products, hemp can save the family farm and mitigate climate change to improve the condition of humankind.

For additional information: National Hemp Association Presents Climate Action Plan - National Hemp Association